Monday 26 September 2011


After a stormy night some pigeon chickens fell out of there nest. What a time to raise new chickens at the beginning of fall. The nest itself dropped also from the tree so now the chickens have to be raised by hand...

Sunday 21 August 2011


Now on the drawing board a buzzard. During a hike true the forest I saw this magnificent predator flying between the trees. It was resting somewhere on a branch when I passed. A moment later it took of into the sky. If only I had wings, I could follow it into the skies…


These animals frequently visit out garden and it is always a welcome visit. As a natural hunter for insects and snails it keeps the beasts from the vegetables… During day time it seeks hidings under bushes and leaves. If you find one let it be and observe carefully and enjoy its presence.

Two Squirrels

The two squirrels on a birch tree, chasing each other. Looking excited, awaiting each others actions. A wonderful piece to work on. The fluffy tail, the bark and the branch with a few leaves. If you close your eyes you will see them running and playing with the help of just a little bit of imagination.

Sunday 20 February 2011

squirrel finished

The squirrel on a log is finished. I almost regret it because it is such a lovely looking animal. With each pencil stroke it feels like getting to know this small animal better and better. But no regrets, next drawing will be TWO squirrels, chasing each other.

A wonderful day

What a wonderful day. Half past 11.00 a.m. I went for a trip through the forests and along the edge of a vast field of heather. And, after a tough climb over a dirt road I set down for a simple lunch from my backpack. It was lovely, the sun was shining, the wind was absent and at my feet a lonely beetle was crawling in some decomposing wood fragments. The deep black and blue color of its shields on the warm brown color of the wood. Clumsy the beetle crawled his way upwards and stumbled now and then downwards again but with determination the bug went on to reach the top.

I was also sitting at a top of a hill with a endless seeming view over the heather, with ancient burial hills in the distance. The bark of the birch trees seemed to radiate almost, a bright, white color.
No unwelcome sounds, no people in sight, just the birds and me. A wonderful moment of quietness and peace. It almost hurts when you return home after a while and disturbing noises of cars and buildings are drawing attention. Civilization, a blessing or a curse. Probably both.

Sunday 2 January 2011


Well, it has been some time. Time was absent ... In the meantime a few drawings are finished and now I have started with a squirrel. A lively little guy looking aroud the corner, literally.
If you are curious how it is going to developpe, visit this blog next days and you will see.